Quaker Hill Cemetery Clean Up – Stage 2

Work on Quaker Hill Cemetery Restoration Continues – Article and Photographs: Roy Danz, Vice-President

Last fall, The Granite Historical Society secured funding from the Patapsco Heritage Greenway to clean-up and landscape a Quaker family cemetery on Wrights Mill road.  Initial clean-up and reseeding of the site was completed by the end of October.  Earlier this Spring, further stabilization of the site was undertaken with the re-positioning of a wrought iron gate that was advancing down the embankment towards Wrights Mill Road.  This gate is the only remaining portion of the fence that once fronted the cemetery.

With the help of Carl Wolfson, and the property owner, Frank Geiman, the gate was lifted from its precarious position while a new, more stable foundation for its placement further up the hillside was created.  Then, using Carl’s loader and operating skill, the gate was carefully placed at its new location.

Before: Gate position during Fall clean-up work
After: Frank (left) and Carl admire their handiwork after a job well-done

Work has also begun on planting native ground covers on the embankment to control erosion and stabilize the bank. Thanks to Carol Link for help on this project which is ongoing. 

The Society hopes to obtain a grant from the Heritage Fund, a cooperative effort of Preservation Maryland and the Maryland Historical Trust, in the fall to re-establish the wrought iron fence at the front of the cemetery that been missing for decades.  Stay tuned for an update on this effort and how you may be able to assist in this project.

